
Selasa, 23 Januari 2018

English Lesson Story #13

December 27th
today's final presentation. the Cikal’s group as the cover. they discussed the history of civil engineering. Cikal’S group consists of; M.Rianto, Faisal Amri, Dion as a member and Cikal Aditya as moderator. They are actually the first group, but because they had failed in the beginning then they have to repeat and become the last group. Presetasi smoothly, but I think this group much to be corrected. including: teamwork, body language, and eye contact. Of this group is just Cikal who responds to comments from Mrs. Rella, while other members just pay attention. Whether they understand or not. But from the article that discussed almost 16 tenses out. This article not only contains present tenses or past tenses but also discusses the present perfect tenses and others.

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