
Minggu, 29 Oktober 2017

English Lesson Story #4

The fourth meeting,

We started with a presentation from the first group. the first group consisting of, Cikal, Riyanto, Faisal, Gugus and Ika. The moderator is Cikal and the rest as a speaker. Before the group appeared, we were given a scoring paper. Each person from each group is obliged to provide an assessment to the group that appears. in the paper there are assessments of sound, language, gestures, eye contact, and material delivered.

We think the first group will be successful in the press, but they have obstacles in the material so they are considered not ready and must repeat the presentation after all the group perform.

Mrs. Rella said the first group as a lesson for other groups who will perform to prepare the material well. How to gestures and eye contact should be noted and good use of English in giving greetings and closures.

I often presentations and often become a moderator. However, the presentation in English made me nervous. Maybe that's what the first group felt.

Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017

English Lesson Story #3

Today we try to analyze an article. We were divided into 4 groups, each group consisting of 7 people. Article analiysis procedure: first, make a question line based on 5W1H from the statement contained in the article. Second, determine the type of sentence used. Third, provide a reason why to use that type of sentence. Fourth, identifying verbal and nominal sentence. Fifth, turn active sentence into passives. And the last, translate the article into Indonesian.

Mrs. Rella gave us 30 minutes to analyze the article, after which we discussed it together.

We are practicing analyzing this article for the preparation of group assignments. Because, next week we will begin to present the task of articles we have analyzed.

Good Luck J J

Senin, 16 Oktober 2017

English Lesson Story #2

October 11th,

Last week we learned english, we have entered the learning phase. But Mr. Zul could not attend because he had other needs and was replaced by Mrs. Rella. Mr. Zul and Mrs. Rella is in one team. 

In the classroom we do not fully use English. But, Mrs. Rella suggested to us to get used to speak english.

Mrs. Rella asked us to create a blog. She explains the usefulness of the blog is as a diary. We have to make stories at every meeting and post them. the story will be judged and the task every week.
Mrs. Rella gave us Mr. Zul's blog address, www.zalzulifa.com
if we open the blog, Mrs. Rella asks us to register. The ID we have makes it easy to access Mr. Zul's blog content.

Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017

English Lesson Story #1

Two weeks ago, the first day we learned english. Guided by Mr. zalzulifa, M.Pd. and because it is still the first day, we have not entered the learning materials. we are still the introductory stage, and he asks us to introduce ourselves. however, we do not introduce ourselves but others who introduce. it's because Mr. Zul wants us to know each other better. we were asked to tell our name, address, date of birth, hobbies, family, education and the reasons why we choose civil engineering. Below is a profile of my friend that I introduce in front of class:

I keep this profile as a memory of her ☺☺