
Minggu, 31 Desember 2017

English Lesson Story #9

After the semester exam we still have to continue the meeting. This time meeting should be part of my group for presentation. But since I have to work nights and can not join my group, then I take a morning class. In the morning class is Alma's group turn for presentation. They discuss about the story of civil engineering.
Their presentation went smoothly but at the time of corrected it turns out their article is not in accordance with the provisions which should be used articles must be native English, not even Indonesian articles translated into English. Mrs. Rella asks them to rediscover the correct article and re-present it.

After the presentation we were asked to look for some songs whose lyrics have questions about W + H, until this course ends.

English Lesson Story #7

This week there is no meeting, lecture or so called quiet week, because this week is used by Faculty of Informatics Engineering for midterm exam. Only a few lecturers use this week for meetings.
I am confused what I will write, because there is no story and no classroom meetings.
Actually not a quiet week but this week also used us to prepare for midterm exam next week. and lecturers who use this week just to give us a grid.

Mid Semester #8

November 22nd

This week is our schedule to take midterm exam. Exam questions are taken from the discussion that is held every week. The exam is supervised by a lecturer. This time our supervisor is Mr. zalzulifa, Mrs. Rella can not attend because of her umrah. When the exam is allowed to open the dictionary but not allowed to access the internet. The exam went well. Many of us can do exam questions quickly, maybe because they already understand the test questions or maybe they are lazy to linger in class. ☺
But I think they are all quite familiar with the proven question when our exam results are all pretty good and only a few score under "Enough".