
Minggu, 12 Agustus 2018

next semester

Tonight's meeting only a few students arrived, maybe around ten or thirteen people. There should be a group presentation tonight, but no group will progress. Tya and I were appointed to go forward and present the assignment but, our assignments were not finished. Our task is still in the translation stage. Mr. Zul said that it's okay, he will help us.

next semester

Today, the first group assignment for presentation. This presentation discussed about 10 reading questions and 10 structural questions. Mrs. Rella also gave us a little material about tenses. At the end of the meeting, there were 2 of our friends who arrived late. they are in law to sing in front of the class. They sang and imitated baby shark songs. they made us laugh. But unfortunately, they still have to repeat the meeting in the evening class.

next semester

In the next meeting, we met Mrs. Rella. She reminded, individual assignments in this semester were the same as last semester. Make a story of each meeting. And an additional assignment for each week we have to send a recording of the song we sang.

next semester

1#For this second semester we are still learning English. Mr. Zul is still our lecturer and Mrs. Rella as his assistant. the first day of class, Mr. Zul asked us to make an English group consisting of 2 people. Each group must look for articles about civil engineering. This article will later be used as material for making the TOEFL and posted it.